Hand-colored image showing Jonah spat up onto a sea-strewn beach by the whale, depicted as a sea serpent; in the background is a ship by which another Jonah struggles in the waves, about to be swallowed by the whale; in the right-hand part of the background is a city on the cliffs with domes, obelisks, and aqueducts. In the top margin is printed "Plate XVI. Jonah Cast by the Fish on Dry Land. Jon: II v. 10. p. 889." In the lower margin is printed, on either side of a coat of arms, "To the right Reverend Father in God Nicholas Lord Bishop of St. Davids, This Plate is Most Humbly Inscrib'd by his Lordships Most Dutiful Son and Servant; Tho. Stackhouse."
Only one Nicholas was ever Bishop of St. David's: Nicholas Clagett, serving there from 1732 to 1742.