Monochrome engraving, entitled "Icy Sea", with three scenes, each labeled with a number from 4-6. Top, a man on a whaling boat raises his harpoon to throw at a spouting whale; there is a ship in the background. Middle, a dog barks at a rearing polar bear under a dramatic outcrop of ice, while two men come to the dog's aid, one raising his musket and aiming at the bear. There is a ship and a row of whaling boats in the background. Bottom, a man in a bishop's hat holding a baby stirs a pot of water hanging from a tripod over a fire, while another figure in a bishop's hat, and a man in a tricorn, both gesture at the geysers bubbling up behind them.
Text under the images reads, "Published Janu. 20, 1818, by J. Harris, corner of St. Pauls.