Print showing a parade in a Japanese street, as seen from the upper storey of a building. Men and women line each side of the street, wearing traditional dress; five men sit on a raised platform while five more look on from an upper window, as a procession of men in costume, men on wheeled boats, and a large spouting whale (probably a parade float) goes down the street. Men at the left side of the procession carry banners with kanji characters written upon them, which translate to [unknown] Association Shed; the characters for "shed" are used to refer to industries such as the whaling industry. Suwa, mentioned as the location of the festival, is a city in Japan. From "Nippon : Archiv Zur Beschreibung Von Japan Und Dessen Neben- Und Schutzl�_ndern", pubd. 1832. Dutch/German bilingual.