
A plate from a magazine showing three scenes. At the top is the text, "Gent. Mag. Jan. 1753." Below this is, to the left, a square image labeled "I. Grotta del Cane" depicting six men and three dogs outside a vine-covered cave entrance with a pool of water in the foreground and some mountains and square buildings in the background, right of the cave. One of the men, with a dog, is about to go into the cave. Another man is crouching by the pool and pulling a dog out of the water by its leash. To the right of this image is a depiction of a fish which resembles an oval stone or the pit of a stone fruit, with no discernable eyes. This is labeled "II." Below is an image of a whale with spiny teeth and a fin behind its eye, labeled "III". The snout is labeled "A", the tail "B", and the mouth "C".

Hart Nautical
Mag., Gent.
ink; paper; mounting
4 3/4 in x 7 3/4 in
Britain: London