Map of Greenland and environs, with islands, sounds, inlets, etc. marked and labeled; at far right is a landmass labeled "WICHES LAND". Map was printed on two seperate pages but these have been joined together such that it forms a complete whole. Some of the islands appear to be labeled with dates -- "1616", "1617", and "1613", but the numeral "6" is reversed in all of them, perhaps indicating the work of an inexperienced engraver. Decorative spouting whale and ship in the water. Map is surrounded by 11 vignettes with captions, and labeled "page 80[2?]". Vignettes show, from top right clockwise:
a walrus (caption: "The Seamorce is in quantity as bigg [sic] as an oxe");
two whaleboats pulling a whale towards a ship ("When the Whale is killed he is in this mann [er?] towed to the Shipps [sic] by two or thre ["e" has a macron atop, indicating a long ee sound] shallops made fast to one another.")
a shore with a whaleboat approaching it, and many men, a vat giving off smoke, and a crane-like device upon it ("The peeces [sic] of blubber are towed to the shore side by a shallop and drawne[sic] on shore by a crane or caried [sic] by two menn [sic] on a barrowe [sic] to ye two cutters wch [which, abbreviation] cutts [sic] them the breadth of a trencher and very thine[sic, n has a macron] & by two boys are caried [sic] wth hand hooks to ye choppers");
a shore with a tent, and several men scraping pieces of baleen, and a spouting whale and ship in background ("Thus they meake cleane[sic] and scrape ye whale fins");
a shore with two tents, several barrels, two men working on barrels, and a whaleboat towing barrels out to sea ("A tent and Coopers at worke[sic]");
two ships near a shore, and men on a whaleboat shooting at bears, as well as several men on land also shooting at the bears ("The manner of killing Beares [sic]");
a shore with men carrying muskets approaching a large number of walruses, with whaleboats on the water ("The manner of killing ye Seamorces");
a shore with whale oil being boiled in a vat, and many barrels ("They place 2 or 3 coppers on a rae and ye chopping boat on the one side and the cooking boate [sic] on the other side to receive ye oyle [i.e. oil] of ye coppers, the chapt blubber being boyled [sic] is taken out of the coppers and put in wiker [wicker?] baskets or barowes [sic] throwgh [sic] wch the oyle is dreane [drained?] and runes[runs, n with macron] into ye cooler which is 1/2 full of water out of wch it is convaied [sic] by troughs into buts or hogshead");
men in a whaleboat cutting into a whale, with two boats in the background ("The Whale is cut up as hee lyes floting crosse [sic; "he lies floating across"] ye stearne [sic] of a shipp [sic] the blubber is cut from the flesh by peeces [sic] of 3 or 4 foote long and being rased, is rowed on shor [sic, macron on r] towards the coppers");
men on three whaleboats harpooning a spouting whale ("When the Whale comes above water ye shallop rowes [sic] towards him and being within reach of him, the harpoiner [sic] darts his harping iron [i.e. harpoon] at him out, and being fast [i.e. once the line is held fast to the whale] lance him to death");
a side view of a male whale, no background ("A whale is ordinarily about 60 foote longe [sic]").