Fores's Marine Sketches. Plate 2. The Royal Navy. Portsmouth Harbour. The Victory Saluting Her Majesty
Plate 2 of 'Fores's Marine Sketches.' Hand-colored etching and aquatint of the HMS 'Victory' saluting Queen Victoria aboard the HMS Yacht 'Fairy' as it passes in the background. The 'Victory' is dressed with nautical signal flags that stretch down and across the mastheads to the head and stern of the ship. Sailors "man the yards" and take off their hats in a salute. Clouds of smoke are emitted from the gun port of the port side. In the foreground, the hull of the former HMS 'Dryad' floats in the harbor stripped of her sails as a receiving ship. Laundry lines hang from posts that were once masts on deck. The city is depicted in the right background.