Figura Cometarum duorum infignium Ante Christum natum nimirum XVI, XXV facies utriusque motum etiam prioris exhibens.
Monochrome engraving showing the path of two comets, one labeled with an alpha and another labeled with a beta, across a number of constellations, including the whale, Cetus. Constellations' figural representations are shown as outlines, and stars are represented by circled asterisks. There is an inscribed arrow in pencil pointing at Cetus. The title of the image, which is labeled "No. 62.", is "Figura Cometarum duorum infignium Ante Christum natum nimirum XVI [alpha] , XXV [beta] facies utriusque motum etiam prioris exhibens."
Along the bottom half of the image, there is a "echo"-like effect as if the plate was pressed on the paper twice in almost the same place, or it was moved slightly when pressed down.