Title page of a book with a woodcut illustration of Jonah and the whale. In the illustration, the whale, portrayed as a large, spouting fish, spits up Jonah, depicted as a bearded man, robe-clad, with hands clasped as if in prayer. In the distance is another whale and a ship with sails. Far in the background is a coastal settlement.
The title of the book reads,
"Euclidis posteriores libri IX. Accessit liber XVI. De Solidorum Regulari-um cujuslibetintra quodlibet comparatione. OMNES PERSPICUIS DEMONSTRA-tionibus, accuratis[q?] scholiis illustrati: nunc quarto editi, ac multarum rerum accessione post primam editionem loucpletati. Auctore CHRISTOPHORO CLAVIO Bambergensi̬ Societate IESU." Below this is the woodcut. Below the woodcut is the text, " FRANCOFURTI, sumtibus h�_redum Ion�_ Ros�_, Anno M. DC. LIV." There is a pencil inscription, "[illegible] 1654".