Page 112 (verso 111) from a book, with an engraving of a Dutch coin or medal. Coin features an angel flying over two armies, each with swords raised (one with sword in mouth). Other side features a many-headed, crowned serpent in a mass of cirlicues, over which there is a coat of arms. Medal is dated 1590. Text in French describes various medals and their significance. Below the image is a discussion of this medal, for which the English translation follows:
"One can also find, from this year, a medal of the Frisians, on which is represented a white horse, and a man seated atop it, from the mouth of which a well-sharpened sword emerges, with which he fights thousands of Kings and Lords. Above is an Angel, who calls the birds to eat [?] to God; and one sees on it these words: "GODT ALMACHTIG REGNEERT. 1590." All-powerful God reigns. Reverse. The Beast and the False Prophet, who are thrown in the pool of fire; & above the Zeeland coat of arms, and in the exergue these words: "T'BEEST WORD GEVANGEN." The Beast has been taken. Apoc. 19. "
(Refers to Revelations 19)