Uncolored certificate for the entry of Captain William Noyes to "the Marine Society of Newburyport in New England at a meeting held the seventh day of January in the year of our LORD [1773, written out]. In testimony thereof the Society have caused their Seal to be hereunto affixed and these Presents signed by their President & countersigned by their Secretary. Dated at Newburyport this 25th day of Janv. Annoque Domini 1810" Below this are the signatures of the President and Secretary. The dates on the certificate, and Noyes' name, are handwritten.
Seal of the society, which is embossed paper with lace-cut edges and an anchor motif, placed at lower left of object. Around the text are seven vignettes of marine scenes, including, at bottom left, two spouting whales.
Capt. William Noyes died Nov 7., 1831, at the age of 92. According to Marine Society records, he was captured during the war of 1812 and confined in Dartmouth prison, England, alongside his crew.