An engraving of a ceremonial boat with a dragon figure-head. Eight women (or men) in short dresses and feather headpieces row the boat. At the stern is a partially nude Hercules holding a fruit from a tree behind him. The tree and fruit could possibly a reference to the gold apples of Zeus.
From the Italian libretto, 'La gloria d'Amore spettacolo festivo fatto rappresentare dal serenissimo Sig. duca di Parma sopra l'acque della gran peschiera novamente fatta nel suo giardino per gl'acclamati sponsali del serenissimo Sig. principe Odoardo suo primo genito con la serenissima signora principessa Dorotea Sofia di Neoburgo ; dedicato a' serenissimi sposi' (Parma: Nella Stampa ducale, 1690), by Bernardo Sabadini. The text was an opera performed in celebration of Odoardo, Prince of Parma, and Dorotea Sofia of Neuburg. Made up of three acts, it was performed without music.
This engraving was made after an aquatic theatrical entertainment structure by the Mauri brothers Gasparo, Pietro, and Domenico of Venice who were "ingegneri e inventori delle peote, e machine nell'acque [engineers and inventors of water machines]."