Depicts the Greek mythological story of Perseus rescuing the Ethopian princess Andromeda from being eaten by a sea monster (Cetus-- commonly depicted as a whale or shark). Andromeda's mother, Cassiopeia, claimed to be more beautiful than the sea nymphs. Outraged by her claim, Poseidon punished Ethoppia by flooding it and plaguing it with a sea monster. An oracle informed Andromeda's father, King Cepheus, that the punishment would end if he sacrificed his daughter to the sea monster. Perseus saw the princess passing by and fell in lover with her, so he saved her by turning the sea monster into stone with Medusa's head. In the print, Andromeda is the largest and central figure. Nude, she is chained to a rock. To the right of her are her parents stricken with grief and to the left of her is a scene where Perseus, on Pegasus, holding Medusa's head out to the sea monster.