Advertisement of the Liverpool and Greenock Steamers "Majestic" and "City of Glasglow".
Advertisement for two passenger steamers which traveled between Greenock and Liverpool, clipped from a newspaper. At top is a woodcut of a three-masted steamer.
Below is the following text:
"'The Majestic'. Captain OMAN, and 'The City of Glasglow', Captain CARLYLE, sail from Greenock every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at One o'Clock in the Afternoon, and from Liverpool, every noon, calling off Port Patrick, and at Douglas, Islae of Man, both in going and returning from Liverpool. These Packets carry no Goods, being expressly fitted up for the comfort and accommodation of Passengers." Below is a table of fares for first-class and second-class cabins, followed by fees for various items on deck: 4 pounds 15 shillings for a coach, 4 pounds for a chaise, 2 pounds 10 shillings for a gig, and the same price for a horse, and 10 shillings for "DOGS, per couple." Greenock to Liverpool cost 2 pounds 5s in a first class cabin, 10 shillings 6 pence in a second class cabin.
Discussion of advertisements for travellers' life insurance, and various jokes, printed on verso.