A View of the Whale Fishery, and the Manner of Killing Bears near & on the Coast of Greenland
Uncolored illustration of men in rowboats harpooning three spouting whales in the background and men on foot spearing a white bear on an icy island in the left foreground. In the right foreground, men shoot a bear from their rowboat. Under the fleeing bear is a small bear, lying dead or injured with its four paws in the air and its mouth agape. Behind them is a three-masted ship flying the British flag. Five more three-masted ships are in the background. Large lumps of ice and icebergs litter the sea. Under the image is the title, "A View of the WHALE-FISHERY, and the manner of KILLING BEARS near & on the Coast of Greenland". Under this, to the right, is the numeral "90".