A View of the Mandarine Yacht and Belvedere belonging to His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland, at Windsor
An uncolored print showing a starboard view of the Duke of Cumberland's 'Mandarin Yacht '(1753) anchored by the side of a lake near Windsor. In the background is Shrubs Hill and the Belvedere, a turreted gatehouse from which to view the surrounding countryside. Smaller boats are shown in the water near the yacht. The boatman on the boat at the right carrying a lady and gentleman, heads toward the shore where three people are walking. Two swans swim in the foreground. The Yacht's hull is decorated with a dragon and the deck is enclosed with fretwork. The imposing central cabin has an elaborate stripped, Chinese roof hung with lanterns and bells. It is further decorated with fish, crescent moons, and a grasshopper.
The title, artist attributions, and a subtitle giving measurements of the yacht and price of the print (1 shilling plain, 2 shillings with coloring) are printed in the lower margin. A reproduction of this print was used in Arthur H. Clark's 'History of Yachting, 1600-1815' (New York & London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1904), 194.