A broad view of the docks of Rotherhithe, London with shipping.
In-plate description: "This undertaking has a just claim to preeminence embracing as it does what was formerly called Greenland Dock being the first Wet Dock that was constructed in the River Thames now more than a century back. / These Docks are intedned chiefly to receive the Shipping employed in the Reade from America and the North of Europe to land and stow their Cargoes consisting of Timber, Wood-Goods, Hemp, Corn, Iron, Tar &c. &c. &c. and to extend the Bonding System to those articles thereby affording accommodation to a numerous class of Shipping with increased Security to the Revenue and to the Importers. / There are Five Docks in one of shich the Greenland Oil Ships are accommodated and their cargoes expediitiously boiled and Warehoused by the Dock Company in most excellent Cellars properly adapted for the prevention of Waste or Leakage. / The Companys Premises in their present State extend over Seventy Acres of ground. / The Surface of Water of the Docks measures Forty Acres and the rest is occupied by extensive Warehouses, Bonding Yards Wharfs &c. / The extent and Utility of these Docks entitle them to be considered as forming a most interesting and gratifying Commercial improvement within the Port of London, and may be justly ranked as one of the Splendid National Works of th present Aera. / The Company is incorporated by Act of Parliament, and the business is conducted by Twelve Directors Viz. Sir Charles Price Bart. M.P. Chairman / John st. Barbe Esqr. Deputy Chairman / John Attersoll Esqr. M.P. / John Boulcott Esqr. / William Browning Esqr. / Perrot Fenton Esqr. / Alexr. Glennie Esqr. / Geo. Grote Esqr. / Richard Hartford Esqr. / Thos. Horncastle Esqr. / William T. Robinson Esqr. M.P. / James Walker Engineer / B. Gilbeck Superintendent / Fred. Hippins Secretary"