Engraving depicting the baleen of the Balaena rostrata. The various parts of the baleen are labeled with letters A-F. At top is the text "Phil. Trans. Vol. LXXVII Tab. XXII p.450"
Below are the artist attributions. A paper from the text of the source book has been pasted on the lower margin; it reads,
A side view of one of the plates of whalebone of the Balaena rostrata. A. The part of the plate which projects beyond the gum. B. The portion which is sunk into the gum. CC. A white substance, which surrounds the whalebone, forming there a projecting bead, and also passing between the plates, to form their external lamellae. DD. The part analogous to the gum. E. A fleshy substance, covering the jaw bone, and on which the inner lamella of the plate is formed. F. The termination of the plate of whalebone in a kind of hair."