This statue, dating from the Twentieth Dynasty of ancient Egypt (1186 to 1155 BCE) is a remarkable granite sculpture standing at approximately 1.8 meters display in the Luxor Museum. The sculpture exhibits extreme precision and attention to detail, especially evident in the realistic depiction of the Pharaoh's facial features.
The figure is positioned in a traditional Egyptian stance, with the left leg slightly forward, indicating motion. The statue is clothed in a conventional short kilt, known as 'Schenti,' which emphasizes its ceremonial nature. The 'Nemes' headcloth and 'Uraeus,' a cobra symbol, embellish the figure, both elements symbolic of Egyptian pharaohs. The headdress, with a characteristic 'pigtail' at the back, resonates with the New Kingdom period.
The statue depicts Ramesses III holding a 'Heqa' scepter and a 'flail,' common symbols of rulership and dominion in ancient Egypt. The figure's muscular torso indicates physical strength and martial capability. The chiseled square jaw represents a firm and resolute character.
The statue also features nine bows etched under its feet, each symbolizing a conquered enemy of Egypt, suggestive of victory and supremacy. Such motifs suggest that the sculpture was intended to consolidate and emphasize Ramesses III's authority and successes.
Faint hieroglyphics on the statue, praising the king's accomplishments, provide historical and cultural context. Despite its age, the statue remains in excellent condition, with minimal signs of damage or weathering.