045 / 204 Horus and Seth Crowning(?) the King in the Presence of Amun-Re Save Share Ask Question Luxor Temple The Epigraphic Survey at Chicago House Save Share Ask Question Interior north wall, east side, third register. Type Drawing The Barge of Mut: Detail of Plate 28 West wall, central section. Celebrants Accompanying the Procession of the Ceremonial Barges from Karnak to Luxor, with Remains of Towboats Above: Detail of Plate 17 West wall, central section Details of the South Portal A. Detail of the Ptolemaic Recarving of the … The King Thurifying and Pouring a Libation in Karnak Temple, with the Bark of the King Below Compare plates 10 and 11. Key to Reliefs Depicting the Barks of the Theban Triad and the Bark of the King in Karnak Temple and their Departure: Episodes 1 and 2 West Wall, Northern Section The King (A) Leaving the Palace, (B) Adoring Ithyphallic Amun, and (C) Offering Interior east wall, second register, first, second, and … Explore chevron-right