ARCE Guided Tours

Fostering a broader knowledge of Egypt among the general public. Strengthening American-Egyptian cultural ties.

This exhibition is brought to you by the partnership of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities and the American Research Center in Egypt.

Drawing from Luxor Temple

Go inside the Tomb of Menna

Explore one of the most elaborately decorated Ancient Egyptian tombs that's been rediscovered and conserved by ARCE.

Enter the Tomb

Who was Menna? And what is an Ancient Egyptian Tomb?

Learn about Menna and his tomb in the Valley of the Nobles outside modern-day Luxor, Egypt.

The Life of Menna and the Walls of his Tomb

What was Daily Life like in Ancient Egypt?

Frequently Asked Questions about Ancient Egyptian Tombs

Explore the Aslam al-Silahdir Mosque

Discover a 14th century mosque in the heart of Historic Cairo

Enter the Mosque

What is a Historic Mosque?

Learn about the historic mosques in Old Cairo and how they are restored and conserved.

The Life and Afterlife of an Ancient Egyptian Queen

Decolonizing Meresankh

Excavation and Artifacts Found in the Tomb

Artifacts and Places

3 artifacts View all

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