Villa Romana del Casale,

Villa Romana del Casale di Piazza Amerina

This elaborately decorated late antique villa is one of the most important representations of the Roman Empire in the West.

In this Collection

Explore the Villa Romana

About the Collection

The most luxurious and elaborate villa in the Roman Empire

The Roman dependence on the countryside is symbolized by the Villa Romana del Casale (Sicily).

The Villa del Casale is one of the most luxurious of its kind and is famous for the richness and quality of its mosaics (4th century AD), which are recognized as the most beautiful in situ Roman mosaics. This mosaic treasure testifies to the lifestyle habits of the Roman ruling class and shows the mutual influences between cultures and exchanges in the ancient Mediterranean - between the Roman world and the North African area.

The villa is spread over 48 rooms (about 3500 square meters of surface) covered with mosaics in perfect condition, perhaps by African masters, which allow you to retrace the history of the greatest of the Empires, with scenes of daily life, the depictions of heroes and gods, hunting and game scenes.

The Villa del Casale therefore represents a fundamental testimony for the understanding of Roman life and civilization to which it offers us, thanks to the perfect conservation of the environments and mosaic representations, an inimitable fresco.

Villa Romana del Casale

di Piazza Amerina

This elaborately decorated late antique villa is one of the most important representations of the Roman Empire in the West.

SP90, 94015 Piazza Armerina EN, Italy

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