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Tomb of Tutankhamun (KV 62)
The tomb of Tutankhamun, designated KV62, is located in the Valley of the Kings, near Luxor, Egypt. It is one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world, primarily due to its almost intact condition when discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter, under the patronage of Lord Carnarvon. The discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb was a significant event in the history of archaeology, offering a rare snapshot of royal burial practices and material culture of the 18th Dynasty of ancient Egypt, around 1332–1323 BC, during the New Kingdom period.
Items in this Tour
Anubis Box, Tomb of Tutankhamun
The Anubis Box from the tomb of Tutankhamun, housed in the Egyptian …
Canopic Jars of Tutankhamun
The Canopic Jars of Tutankhamun, archived at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, …
Statue of the Goddess Sakhmet, Thebes
Constructed from granodiorite, this nearly life-sized artifact from Egypt's New Kingdom period …

Anubis Box, Tomb of Tutankhamun The Anubis Box from the tomb of Tutankhamun, housed in the Egyptian …

Canopic Jars of Tutankhamun The Canopic Jars of Tutankhamun, archived at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, …

Statue of the Goddess Sakhmet, Thebes Constructed from granodiorite, this nearly life-sized artifact from Egypt's New Kingdom period …