Full title: Le gouvernement general du Dauphin̩ : divis̩ en haut et bas, subdivis̩ en plusieurs pays, et en bailliages : avec privilege du roy pour vingt ans / selon les memoires le plus nouveaux par le Sr. Sanson, geographe ordinaire du roy
A hand-colored, large folio map of Dauphin̩, north of Provence between the east bank of the Rh̫ne and the Alps. It was part of Lotharingia before becoming a principality of the Holy Roman Empire. In 1349 it was sold to France and given as an apanage to the heir to the throne, who took the title 'Dauphin'. This map is from the Atlas Nouveau Contenant Toutes Les Parties du Monde, ou Sont exactement Remarques Les Empires, Monarchies, Royaumes, Estats, Republiques & Peuples qui fy trouuent a present by Hubert Jaillot. Atlas Nouveau was first published by Jaillot in Paris in 1681 with 46 maps. Jaillot re-engraved, "edited," Nicolas Sanson's maps and published them as highly decorative atlases. This copy is colored in outline with relief shown pictorially.