The False Door of Kanefer is a significant artifact of funerary art from ancient Egypt, designed to symbolically serve as a doorway for the soul of the deceased. This object was formerly in the possession of Kanefer, a vizier during the reign of King Khufu. His status is acknowledged via a limestone false door, intricately engraved with hieroglyphs which detail prayers and list his various titles, alluding to his importance and relation to the king.
Structured to replicate a typical entrance, this false door was produced with the philosophy that it would enable the metaphysical transit of Kanefer's soul between the realms of the living and the afterlife. It underscores the Egyptians' emphasis on the afterlife and the sustaining concern for the departed, as well as the functional facet of designating a place for offerings. The false door hence serves as a reflection of Egyptian commitment to post-death commemoration and heightens the appreciation for social status in funerary customs.