145 / 204 The King Offering Flowers to Amun-Re-Kamutef in the Presence of Isis Save Share Ask a Question Luxor Temple The Epigraphic Survey at Chicago House Save Share Ask a Question Offering scene on column 7 and column 8 Plate 186 and 187 Type Drawing Miscellaneous Facade Graffiti below the Ramesside Roofline (Gr. 11-17) Facade, east and west walls. Greek Graffiti at the Bottom of the East Interior Jamb of the North Portal (Gr. 45-47) North portal, south face, east jamb, first register. Horus and Seth Crowning(?) the King in the Presence of Amun-Re Interior north wall, east side, third register. The Pylon of Karnak Temple with Sacrificial Cattle Below Compare plates 105-107. The King Thurifying and Pouring a Libation to Amun-Re North portal, south face, west jamb, first register. … Priests and Priestesses Chanting a Song: Detial of Plate 91 East wall, central section. See plate 92. Explore chevron-right