120 / 204 The Barks of the Theban Triad Enshrined at Luxor Temple Save Share Ask a Question Luxor Temple The Epigraphic Survey at Chicago House Save Share Ask a Question Compare plates 58 and 59. Type Photograph Fragments from the Opet Procession, West Wall Compare plate 121. The King Offering Ointment to Amun-Re in the Presence of Mut Offering scene on column 1. Horus and Seth Crowning(?) the King in the Presence of Amun-Re Interior north wall, east side, third register. Towboats of the Royal Barge: Fragments from the West Wall Riverine Procession West wall, central section. Compare plate 34. Standard Bearers and Soldiers: Detail of Plate 91 East wall, central section. See plate 92. The King Offering Ointment to Amun-Re in the Presence of Mut Offering scene on column 14. Explore chevron-right