The buildings associated with the cult of the Apis bull or that of the later syncretyc god Serapis. The Serapeum at Saqqara consists of a series of catacombs to the northwest of the Step Pyramid of Djoser. The Serapeum was excavated in 1851 by August Mariette, who was led to the site through his discovery of traces of some of the sphinxes lining the dromos (sacred way), which are faithfully described by the Strabo. The catacombs date back at least as early as the XVIIIth Dynasty and continued in use until the Ptolemaic Period. They contain many massive granite sarcophagi weighing up to 80 tons, although all but one had been robbed of their burials.    1 - Amenhotep III   2 -  XVIII Dynasty   3 - Tutankhamun   4 - Horemheb   5 - Horemheb   6 - Seti I   7 - year 16 of Ramesses II   8 - ?   9 - year 30 of Ramesses II 10 .. 14 -  Ramesses II 16 - Ramesses VI 17 - Ramesses IX 27 - year 23 of Osorkon II 28 - year 14 of Takelot II 29 - year 28 Sheshonq III 30 - year 2 of Pimai 31 - year 4 of Sheshonq V 32 - year 11 of SheshonqV 33 - year 37 of Sheshonq V 34 - year 6 of Bokhoris 35 - year 2 of Shabaka 36 - year 34 of Taharqa 37 - year 20/21 of Psametik I 38 - year 52 of Psametik I39 - year 16 of Nekau II 40 - year 12 of Apries 41 - year 23 of Amasis 42 - year 6 of Cambyses 43 - year 34 of Darius I 44 - year 4 of Darius I 45 - Darius I unnumered - year 2 of Nepherites I 46 - year 2 of Khabbash 55 - year 16 of Ptolemy XVI 57 - year 52 of Ptolemy VIII unknown Ptolemy
