Margarita Tomb and Tunnels, Copan
Discover the excavation tunnels underneath the Rosalila tunnel around the tomb of Yax K'uk Mo' and the Red Queen of Copán.
This virtual tour was created by Luke Hollis in conjunction and with the support of numerous individuals and institutions who have contributed to our understanding of the ancient Maya of Copan. The Honduran Institute of Anthropology and History (IHAH) authorized its production and in its bylaws commits itself to the preservation, investigation, analysis, and dissemination of archaeological and historical research throughout the country. This tour was done with the support of IHAH and its mission of the dissemination of knowledge about Honduras' past. Professor William Fash of Harvard University conceived and financed the production of the tour and provided academic, logistical and other support for Mr. Hollis in this endeavor. The Archaeologist Ricardo Agurcia of the Copan Association for Pre-Columbian Studies was supportive throughout the process and provided access to his tunnels beneath Temple 16 and the incomparable Rosalila Temple. IHAH Archaeologist Adelso Canán was instrumental in all aspects of the fieldwork and provided some of the drone footage. The townsfolk and tour guides of Copán Ruinas have been extremely welcoming and generous with their time and friendship throughout the years of preparation that went into this model. The indigenous Chortí communities have likewise deeply cared about the ruins that their ancestors built in Copan eons ago and continue to remain vigilant of their proper care and preservation.