
Fostering a broader knowledge of Egypt among the general public. Strengthening American-Egyptian cultural ties.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin in sem odio. In vehicula vestibulum semper. Pellentesque id fermentum felis. Fusce sem diam, cursus a dictum fermentum, hendrerit nec purus.

Duis id ligula ut ante tempus consequat vitae et turpis. Morbi sed enim imperdiet, viverra urna ut, imperdiet erat. Quisque ut felis purus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Morbi non orci congue, porta turpis non, congue tellus. Vestibulum faucibus, risus sagittis fermentum vehicula, mi neque tempor purus, a condimentum nunc lectus eu sem. Vestibulum dui lectus, dignissim sit amet placerat ac, interdum quis arcu. Ut dapibus tempus finibus. Mauris ac ultrices lectus. Etiam sem diam, sagittis sed sapien non, tristique accumsan odio. Proin sit amet posuere dolor. Nunc nulla nibh, aliquam vitae egestas nec, lobortis vel orci.


Guided Tours

Fostering a broader knowledge of Egypt among the general public. Strengthening American-Egyptian cultural ties.

الإسماعيلية، Qasr El Nil, Egypt

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We're the largest independent hub of digital cultural heritage, and we survive on donations of about $30 USD. Less than 1% of people donate. If everyone reading this donated $5, our fundraiser would be done within a day!

We support training and providing technology to the communities that take of the monuments where we work to digitize their own cultures. For the price of a cup of coffee, you can continue preserving cultural heritage for future generations.

Thanks for reading, and we hope you'll consider donating. — Luke Hollis, Cofounder, Mused